August, 2012 update for the website of Australian musician Luke O’Neill.
Hello all,
Here is an artwork by Picton artist Ruby Little-Clarke. Definitely makes me miss those Picton hills!
Lately I’ve been enjoying working on film soundtrack composition and sound design as part of my teaching at the Centre for Digital Media and Design at Wollongong Tafe. The facilities, staff and the students there are great. Sadly the newly introduced budgetary cut backs by TAFE NSW means the CDMD section will only have our invaluable technical officer Colin Coakes 1.5 days a week rather than full-time. A real blow to the sections ability to function at full steam. In the recording studio I’ve had some fun with ‘Two trains through Treetops’, a soundscape scored for four electric guitars and 4 bowed cymbals. It is my sonic take on the the ugly and amazing sounds two coal trains make as they intersect each other near my home in Stanwell Park. With the help of my friend Ricky Zalewski an mp3 will be up soon…actually try this (it starts very gradually, so be patient): Two Trains 64kb (Wind-GTR and Wave-Bowed Cymbals)